Chinese translation for "alcohol oxidase"
- 乙醇氧化酶
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Methods : an artificial gene for fl extracellular domain cdna was synthesized by using favored genetic codons of pichia pastroris . by inserting human fl extracellular domain cdna coding 156 amino acid resi dues into pichia pastoris expression vector ppic9k containing aox1 promoter and the sequences of alpha secreting signal peptides , a recombinant expression plasmid ppic9k - fl was constructed , and integrated into the alcohol oxidase region of the host genome 为了提高外源基因的表达量,我们根据毕赤氏酵母偏爱密码子人工合成了编码fl胞外区156个氨基酸的cdna序列,目的序列被定向克隆到酵母分泌型表达载体ppic9k质粒上,构建ppic9k - fl表达质粒。 |
- Similar Words:
- "alcohol of different strengths" Chinese translation, "alcohol or drug poisoning" Chinese translation, "alcohol or drug-induced amnesic syndrome" Chinese translation, "alcohol or drug-related convulsion" Chinese translation, "alcohol or drug-related myopathy" Chinese translation, "alcohol oxidation" Chinese translation, "alcohol paint" Chinese translation, "alcohol paranoia" Chinese translation, "alcohol paranoid state" Chinese translation, "alcohol phenol" Chinese translation